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With focus on both environment and finance, the price efficient Ellepot is your guarantee for safety and reliability when growing with paper pots. Certified Ellepot Papers pose no harm to the environment, and the paper pots will decompose in the soil when planted directly in the field. The cost of Ellepot Paper is a wise investment, as the system presents a very high plant success rate.
With no plastic pots or poly bags to remove or pick up, Ellepots are designed for easy plant-out. Revealing a substantial time-saving element, Ellepot growers report up to 40% faster planting.
Ellepot's dedication to reducing plastic in the horticultural industry is exemplified by a remarkable case where one of their clients achieved an 18.4-ton annual reduction in plastic usage. This achievement has earned Ellepot a well-deserved place as the winner in the 'Best Sustainability Initiative' category. It underscores the company's commitment to environmentally conscious practices and its significant impact on reducing plastic waste within the industry.